Friday, July 9, 2010
Bob Walsh at the Legislature
In addition to attending community events and listening to voters' concerns about state government, State Representative candidate Bob Walsh also regularly attends New Mexico House of Representatives committee meetings as part of his role as a citizen activist and future legislator.
A long-time leader in state election reform (Bob was a leader in making paper ballots mandatory), Bob attends meetings of the Voters & Elections Committee. Concerned about how our tax dollars are spent (or misspent), he also attends meetings of the Revenue Stabilization & Tax Policy Committee, the Investments Oversight Committee and Government Restructuring Task Force.
"Most of these committee meetings are open to the public, both in person and on the web," Bob points out. "I encourage all of us to attend the ones on issues we care about and to become active in shaping policy -- change happens most dramatically at the state and local levels!"